Stagnant Water and Mosquito Control: Dhaka’s Monsoon Challenge


As the monsoon season sweeps over Dhaka, the vibrant capital city of Bangladesh, it brings relief from scorching heat but also presents a persistent challenge – stagnant water and the proliferation of disease-carrying mosquitoes. In this article, we delve into the critical issue of stagnant water, its role in mosquito breeding, and explore effective control measures to mitigate the associated health risks.

The Monsoon Factor: Stagnant Water

Embracing the Monsoon

Dhaka eagerly awaits the monsoon rains, which rejuvenate the land after months of oppressive heat. However, this natural phenomenon also creates pools of stagnant water in various parts of the city.

The Stagnation Menace

Stagnant water acts as a breeding ground for mosquitoes, especially the Aedes species responsible for diseases like dengue and chikungunya. The city’s topography, low-lying areas, and inadequate drainage contribute to the accumulation of water.

Mosquito Menace: Health Implications

The Aedes Mosquitoes

Aedes mosquitoes thrive in the stagnant water left behind by the monsoon rains. These insects are vectors for deadly diseases, posing a significant public health threat.

Escalating Health Concerns

The increase in mosquito-borne diseases during the monsoon season burdens the already stretched healthcare infrastructure of Dhaka. Dengue outbreaks, in particular, lead to overwhelmed hospitals and clinics.

Mitigation Measures: Combating Stagnant Water and Mosquitoes

Robust Urban Planning

Implementing effective urban planning strategies can prevent water stagnation. Properly designed drainage systems and elevated constructions reduce the risk of water accumulation.

Community Awareness

Raising awareness about the importance of eliminating stagnant water among residents is crucial. Community-driven efforts can help identify and address potential breeding sites, contributing to a mosquito-free environment.

Focused Vector Control

Integrated vector control programs involving the use of larvicides, insect growth regulators, and adult mosquito control methods are essential. These initiatives directly target mosquito populations and curb disease transmission.

Embracing Technology

Utilizing modern technologies, such as GIS-based mapping, can aid in identifying areas prone to water accumulation. This information helps authorities plan targeted interventions.

Sustainable Practices: Long-Term Solutions

Green Spaces and Water Bodies

Creating more green spaces and maintaining existing water bodies can absorb excess water, reducing the risk of stagnation. Parks and gardens also enhance the aesthetic appeal of the city.

Rooftop Gardening

Promoting rooftop gardening not only adds greenery but also aids in rainwater absorption, lessening the burden on drainage systems.


Dhaka’s struggle with stagnant water during the monsoon season underscores the need for a multifaceted approach to mosquito control. By addressing the issue of stagnant water through urban planning, community engagement, and technological innovations, the city can reduce the impact of mosquito-borne diseases. Embracing sustainable practices further ensures a healthier and more resilient Dhaka.

FAQs About Stagnant Water, Mosquito Control, and Dhaka’s Monsoon Challenge

Why does stagnant water attract mosquitoes during the monsoon?

Stagnant water provides a breeding ground for mosquitoes, especially Aedes species, as they lay their eggs in such environments.

How can urban planning help combat mosquito breeding?

Proper urban planning includes well-designed drainage systems and elevated constructions to prevent water stagnation.

What is the role of community awareness in mosquito control?

Community awareness helps identify and eliminate potential breeding sites, contributing to a mosquito-free environment.

What are larvicides and how do they control mosquitoes?

Larvicides are chemicals that target mosquito larvae, disrupting their growth and preventing them from maturing into disease-carrying adults.

How can rooftop gardening contribute to reducing stagnant water?

Rooftop gardening aids in rainwater absorption, reducing the excess water that can contribute to stagnant pools.


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